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landscape architect CSLA AAPQ FFP

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landscape architect CSLA AAPQ FFP

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Christian Matteau  landscape architect





  • Urban and landscape design

  • Site analysis and public space programming

  • Strategy and large scale City planning / mixed use operations

  • People focused places and Public Space

  • Urban and Landscape architect coordinator and participatory design

  • Territorial and large scale landscape design

  • Public transportation and Green infrastructure design

  • Ecology and Water management design - LID

  • Project Manager


He has more than 20 years of experience in project management, urban project and landscape studies.

His recent experiences have led him to define landscapes at various scales of the territory, to reflect on the uses of the Mediterranean public space and to define the conditions for the preservation of major UNESCO World Heritage Sites such as the Pont du Gard (Roman Aqueduc) and the Canal du Midi in Agde.

Member of the French Landscape Federation (FFP),

Member of the local office of the Languedoc Rousillon - Occitanie region,

Secretary from 2013 to 2015.
Number: 4418

Member of the Canadian Society of Landscape architects  AAPQ / CSLA  / IFLA


Member of the Board of Directors - CAUE 34 (Architecture Urbanism and Environment Council) – Hérault from 2013-2015.



Contact :









Urban and landscape design of the Nîmes BHLS line 1 extension for Nîmes Métropole (30) / 3.5 km


New collective Public Transport High Level Service (BRT) From Thonon-les-Bains to Geneva / Department of Haute Savoie (74) / 22 km  (experiencing landscape in movement)

Feasibility and integration study for the 1st line of the Sète / Thau Agglomération BRT (34) / 4km


Feasibility and integration study for the Dakar BRT - 19 km - CETUD / Ville de Dakar, Senegal.

Feasibility study and insertion for the 1st line of the BHLS of Agadir / Municipality of Agadir, Morocco / 15 km

Design and urban layout of line B of the Avignon Tramway - Greater Avignon / Tecelys Urban Community (84) / 4 km (public spaces of line B South sector)

Development of the Urban North boulevard of Toulouse / CUGT / TISSEO (31) - Management and landscape design of the entire 10 km roadway, including the insertion of a BHLS

Eastern Urban Boulevard - Greater Lyon Urban Community (69) / 2 km / complete urban and landscape project, water management of the BUE (Carré de Soie Sector), design of a 300 m linear acoustic wall

Development of the Baie de Somme motorway service area (A16), Gold Ribbon Award and Grand Jury Prize for innovative Roadscapes / SANEF - CG de la Somme.





Development of Crest / Crest  Train Station Plaza (63) / 3 ha / urban and landscape design of public spaces near school campus, media library and station.

Development of the neighborhood of the Verpillière Train Station / CAPI (38)

Landscape Renewal and Avenue Leonardo da Vinci and Arcades Square / Lattes (34)

Improvement of the place Gambetta and the streetscape of Liberation Avenue in Argelès-sur-Mer (66) pedestrianization of downtown

Streetscape of Avenues B and C, Cité Berliet in Saint-Priest - Urban Community of Greater Lyon (69)

Renaturalisation of the right bank of the Pont du Gard UNESCO World Heritage Site / EPCC du Pont du Gard (30)


Study of requalification of the forecourt of the Hotel Riquet, the banks of the canal du midi (UNESCO World Heritage Site) and the river port of Agde - Rhône Saône Development - Community of Agglomeration Hérault Méditerranée (34).


Restructuring of public spaces in the Job 7 Deniers area - Greater Toulouse Urban Community (31) / 10,000m² public urban plaza


Requalification of the Place de la République - Municipality of Lisle-sur-Tarn / SEM 81 (81) / Public Plaza 3,500m²

Mission of urban planning and port receptivity in Saint Tropez - City of Saint Tropez (83) / 9 ha

Definition market for the development of Chaho Pelletier square in Bayonne - 2 ha - City of Bayonne (64)

Development of the medieval village heart of Alet les Bains - Municipality of Alet les Bains (11).

Development of the Central ZAC in Decazeville / Community of Communes of the Bassin Decazeville Aubin (12) / COGEMIP (31) / 19 ha / Requalification of a brownfield in new active district and in extension of the city center

Development of the Place de Verdun at Fontenay-le-Comte / Fontenay-le-Comte (85) / 8 ha /  Urban and landscaping management and design, complete project management of public spaces, development of the Vendée riverbanks and the protected sector

Development of the place Jean Jaurès in Savenay - City of Savenay (44) / 32 ha / Urban and landscape design, complete project management for the implementation of a multimodal platform

Streetscape of the avenue de Strasbourg (RD 106) - Entrance of Ville de Châtelaillon Beach / General Council of Charentes Maritimes (17) - 0,8 km


Development of the heart of the University Campus – Medical School  ZAC Gloriette-Hôtel Dieu - Nantes Development (44)





Development of the open spaces and gardens of Aix Luynes II penitentiary center / APIJ Ministry of Justice (75) / 15ha.  Management and landscape design with SCAU Architects / Bouygue construction.


Development of the surroundings of the private school ESGCV - ZAC Port Marianne - Hippocrates / for CFC Development, Montpellier (34).  Management and landscape design outdoor spaces.


Development of the surroundings of the tertiary program Hippocampe - ZAC Jean Mermoz - Castelnau-le-Lez.- CFC Development, Montpellier (34).  Management and landscape design.



PUBLIC SPACE / designing new neighborhoods


Development of the Grands Champs district in Jaunay-Clan - AEU environmental approach, City of Jaunay-Clan (85) / 20 ha (phase 1)

ZAC of Roque Fraisse / Municipality of Saint Jean de Vedas / SERM (34) / 36 ha - 1700 housing units, commercial polarities, public equipment : school, park, community gardens, large scale water management devices

Landscaping of public spaces of the Eco-district Clos du Bocage in Pornic / SELA (44) / 14 ha / 225 dwellings.


Urban redevelopment of the Kervénanec towers district in Lorient / City of Lorient (56) / 1,6 ha / 270 dwellings / public spaces as part of the urban renewal ORU program

Development of a housing estate ZAC des Courtilles in Vertou / ATARAXIA (44) / 8 ha / 72 dwellings,

Development competition for the Armorique sector in Rennes / Ville de Rennes (35) / Winning project / 11.5 ha (600 housing + tertiary activities + public facilities)


Development of the Ormois site in Montoir-de-Bretagne / City of Montoir-de-Bretagne (44) / 500 dwellings


ZAC of la Pierre Blanche / Municipality of Bouguenais / NEXITY / ATARAXIA (44) / 30 ha / 360 dwellings – AEU environnement design approach.


Development of Bois d'Etienne district in Roumazières -Loubert City (16) / 13.5ha / 102 dwellings / design of public spaces


Remodeling of the exterior spaces of the Caravelle ZAC in Viilleneuve-la-Garenne (92), 1,750 dwellings, Phases: ESQ / AVP / DCE in 6 phases, site monitoring - Roland Castro Architect


Pedestrianization of downtown St-Denis (93) Design of streetscapes and accompanying work and installations of 3 artistic works


Development of the Petit Nice district and the nautical center – Landscape design of the Parc de la Grenouille Park – Argenton-sur-Creuse (36) - 4 ha





Requalification of the Consacs business park in Brignolles – Streetscape / Community of Communes Provence County (84) / 3 ha


Development of a "Green Park" Business Center (tertiary estate) in Bourgoin Jallieu / EPANI (69) / 3 ha


Development of the public spaces of the Buisson Eco-Park in Beaucouzé / SARA (49) / 93 ha in total 23ha for the sector concerned


Landscaping of the Case Navire business park in Schoelcher, Greater Fort-de-France, Martinique - Caribbean / CACEM / 4.1 ha


Landscape architecture of the ZAC Haute Forêt in Carquefou, logistic vocation / SELA (44) / 100ha


Landscaping of industrial activity park - ZAC Maison Neuve 2 in Sainte-Luce-sur-Loire / SELA (44) / 60 ha.


Landscaping of PAC Angers in Saint-Léger-des-Bois / SARA (49) / 90 ha / Logistics center and streetscapes


Landscaping of the area of activity of Robinières in St-Léger-des-Bois / SARA (49) / 9.5 ha


Development of the Commercial park La Colleraye / City of Savenay (44) / 31 ha





Parc and playground in ZAC of Capelette - City of Marseille / SOLEAM (13) / 1 ha / Design and programming of the ephemeral "Le Nuage" garden, valuing an urban wasteland – participatory design


Biôme - Restructuring and creation of an animal and leisure park in Pouydesseaux integrating a theater of greenery around the blue whale COP21 Paris / SAS le Biôme (40) / 23 ha


Preliminary studies of the development project of Lunel train station area Development (34) / 8.5 ha


Development of the Capitelles district in Bédarieux / Hérault Development (34) / 11 ha / 200 dwellings


Landscape study of the station area in Agde - Development of the river port - Rhône Saône Development - Community of Agglomeration Hérault Méditerranée (34) / Expertise within the framework of the masterplan and project manager of the port extension - Canal du Midi


Creation of the Boulevard Urbain Nord (BUN) support of a BRT / Toulouse Métropole (31) / 13km / 500 ha


Paleficat housing district / Toulouse Métropole (31) / 180 ha & Quartier Bartolle Rayssac housing district 150 ha


Development and requalification of Balaruc les Bains public spaces (34) / 866 ha and 6500 inhabitants. – Thermal station of the Thau Basin area.


ZAC of the Rompude et de la Morte district /  22 ha - 300 dwellings and activities - Murviel-lès-Montpellier (34).


Redevelopment and development of downtown Saint Bonnet in Villefontaine / EPANI (38) / Expertise for landscape strategies masterplan, and definition of public spaces for urban densification


Rehabilitation of the CHS (Specialized Hospital Center) of Montbert / CHS de Montbert (44) / 43 ha


Development of public spaces in the center of Haute-Goulaine / City of Haute-Goulaine (44) / 3 ha


Development of César Geoffray square in Lyon 5th arrondissement (69), PRO / DCE


Urban requalification of Cayeux-sur-Mer (80) Phases: competition, AVP Train Station Square / AVP & PRO / DCE Squares of the Town Hall and the Church forground


Development of the banks of the Thérain River - Beauvais (60) Landscape design





Development and development of public spaces Balaruc les Bains - 866 ha and 6500 hab.


AMO - Balaruc-les-Bains (34) • Planning consultant's mission for the entire Thau Basin health resort


ZAC High Forest Carquefou, logistics - 100 ha, SELA (44) • Mission to monitor building permits


ZAC Maison Neuve 2 in Sainte-Luce-sur-Loire - 60 ha, SELA (44) • Mission to monitor building permits


La Colleraye commercial Park in Savenay - 24 lots - 31 ha - Ville de Savenay (44).• Mission to monitor building permits





Béziers North Rocade motorway - RD 612 / CG 34/ 4 km - 12 ha


Cross-border transport project - BHNS Thonon les Bains in Geneva / Haute Savoie


Landscape study of Semaphore de Dramont classified site "Eastern Esterel Massif" - Ministry of Defense Infrastructure (83)


Development of the master plan of urban development (SDAU) and the development plan of Greater Marrakech - Urban Agency of Marrakech, Morocco / landscape studies of the city entrances


Landscape study  (Wind Energy Development Zone) on the Community of Communes of the Pays de Baud (56)


Landscape study of the Albâtre Coast, 35 km of coastline (Fécamp), 14km2 offshore wind farm 105 MW - ENERTRAG


Rehabilitation of Fréhel quarries, Association CIRCLE (22)


Arrangement of the town crossing in Sudan - City of Sudan (79).


Bypass south of La Roche-sur-Yon, A 87 - 15 km - City of La Roche-sur-Yon (85).


Streetscape of the Vrines crossing at Sainte-Radegonde-des-Pommiers - 1.6 km - City of Sainte-Radegonde-des-Pommiers (79)


Landscape studies of the East Deviation of Carquefou, RD 178 - 3.5 km, General Council of Loire Atlantique (44)


Highway landscape – South Rocade of Saint-Brieuc - 16 km - General Council of Côtes d'Armor (22) / Road studies and strategic urban and landscape guidelines





Development of the right bank of the Pont du Gard antique site in Vers-Pont-du-Gard, UNESCO World Heritage - 2 ha - EPCC (30).  Supervision of the complete project management mission, site commission approval expert.


Condition of urban and landscape insertion of the Emile Combes high school in Argelès-sur-Mer. - City of Argelès-sur-Mer (66).  Expertise and advisory mission for the North entrance and the Taxo d'Avall hamlet heritage sector.


Development of the medieval village heart of Alet les Bains - Municipality of Alet les Bains (11)


Development of the Place de Verdun at Fontenay-le-Comte on 7 ha, development of the banks of the Vendée and ZPPAUP protected area - Fontenay le Comte (85)





Guidelines and recommendations scenic route between Lannion and Guingamp, RD 767 - 30 km - Britanny - General Council of Côtes d'Armor (22)


Guidelines for public spaces in Balaruc-les-Bains thermal station (34)


Reasoned approach to the use of pesticides - PAPPH Grand Narbonne - Gruissan, Fleury, Cuxac-d'Aude, City of Grande Motte and international golf course Trent Jones / Phytosanitary and horticultural practices improvement plan - Implementation of the "Zero-phyto" program.





2017: International competition for the development of the Place des Montréalaises, Montreal City of Design Unesco, Quebec, Canada, project "Stepping Stones".


2008: Winner of the international competition for the development of Grand Army Plaza in Brooklyn, New York, 1st jury prize and 1st prize of the public’s choice, project "Canopy", plaza / overview /


2007: Public Art Contest - NCC "Changing Moods" - Gatineau, Canada - Development of a Public Square


2007: Ephemeral Gardens Contest, "La Fablière" project for the 400th anniversary of Quebec City, Canada


2003: World Trade Center Competition - WTC Memorial Contest, NY, New York, USA


2002: Housing competition HLM La Lutèce: Habitat & Prospectives in Asnières, France


2001: 13-Acres Competition (Park and Primary Schoolyard), Surrey, British Columbia, Canada


1998: Europan competition in Jeumont, France


1997: Europan Competition in Tessalonique, Greece


1996 and 1997: International Garden Show - Chaumont-sur-Loire, France





2006-2017  Supervision of final year diplomas - students from : Nantes School of Design, AgroCampus Ouest - Angers - National Institute of Horticulture and Landscape (INH), ENSP National School of Landscapes of Versailles (France) Marseille, National School of Nature and Landscape of Blois (ENSNP), Landscape School Gembloux Agro-Bio-Tech, Belgium.





























































































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